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Analog gaming in a digital world.

What is Fried Pickle Games...?

Our family gaming company is a lot like a superhero with a lame backstory.

It's actually a rather humourous backstory when it boils down. Our family had this huge, amazing trip planned to Costa Rica, a place my brother and I had wanted to go to for ages. The main draw was the elusive sloth. However, in a horrible twist of fate, our Dad's passport was mixed up in our wonderous government system, and we were booted back to America. The not-so-silver lining is that we got a glorious night in the Newark, New Jersey, airport!

With ladened spirits, we returned to the cold Pacific with a completely free week at our disposal. We spent a day or two dreaming of the tropical sun before planning out our newfound free time. We went to restaurants most nights and enjoyed ourselves. some of the places we hadn't been before. In De Espana, a tapas restaurant, we began to talk. about our most recent Apogee Strong assignments, specifically our required reading: The Art of War.


Don't ask me how, but some immature idiot found it very funny to add an "f" to the title. Thus, our first game idea, The Fart of War, was born. 


Lame backstory, I know. But it's actually a lot of fun. And I really enjoyed doing all the artwork.


Our hunger soon began to develop another game. This one would be far more composed and mature if not educational to some degree. Dispelled is the card version of Scrabble with wizards and special action cards. It's a blast. I've attached some art from both games below. You can visually see the improvement.

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